Anti Aging Life Extension What To Major In (for College) To Learn About Life Extension, Regenerative Medicine, Anti-Aging Etc!?!?

What to major in (for college) to learn about Life Extension, Regenerative Medicine, Anti-Aging etc!?!? - anti aging life extension

Recently, there was significant progress in what is known about the causes of aging and how to stop them and prevent aging was. I want to learn everything you can get it, and finally a position where it can really contribute to this area of research ahead of time. I have not sure how genetics, biology, medicine, etc., etc. It would be best for the University of importance. It seems there is much more difficult, the best way forward is determined for real-time! I hope to receive an answer from someone who made more than me at this point.


Melissa P said...

You can specialize in the cell), molecular (or cell and molecular biology emphasis. Most research in these areas is carried out at the cellular and molecular level.

In my university there is a laboratory that studies the telomeres, which have been associated with aging have been laboratory studies with other anti-aging effects of caloric restriction, and several laboratories that have a relationship with the regeneration (wound healing, liver etc.) - all college, probably at least a research lab with increasing age and / or regeneration linked. Therefore, namely independent of the university you attend, you can always check the research by universities and volunteers to do the research. This way you can see if you really want to research in this area and can get an idea of how they represent their interests in future school (diploma focus, etc. are needed).

If you do not have a major research university, you can search the local universities - you can allow some volunteer teachers in the summer or during the year, even if you're a student on campus. To show that it is in the research and hard work are interested. :)

Frank N said...

Some of the most promising of recent genetics. But to do something in this area, we have extensive experience in biology, a school that teaches you how to think and function like biological systems. Descriptive biology is not much help. As you build your base, you get a better idea of what parts of interest and what is good. If you continue in the fields of medicine, you will be more information on the application of what we already know. They are also likely to be blind or cop cons of the approaches that do not make money for pharmaceutical companies, or to enrich the coffers of the Association of Physicians. Very early in the study, but on Aging and read the latest developments.

Frank N said...

Some of the most promising of recent genetics. But to do something in this area, we have extensive experience in biology, a school that teaches you how to think and function like biological systems. Descriptive biology is not much help. As you build your base, you get a better idea of what parts of interest and what is good. If you continue in the fields of medicine, you will be more information on the application of what we already know. They are also likely to be blind or cop cons of the approaches that do not make money for pharmaceutical companies, or to enrich the coffers of the Association of Physicians. Very early in the study, but on Aging and read the latest developments.

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